Are you resolved to go “all out” in 2020?
Most of us don’t really believe in our resolutions because, let’s face it, we made them before and didn’t follow through.
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Are you committed to do something different this year, and do you believe that it’s “up to you”?
If you answered “YES”, that’s awesome, but your answer to the next question is what matters most to me:
What support do you have in place?
Most of us need some kind of support to help us overcome limiting beliefs, develop new habits, figure out what we don’t know that we don’t know, and stop holding ourselves back. We need someone or something to hold us accountable. Otherwise we fall into the same old patterns, doing things halfway, falling short of our potential.
If you have people or structures in place to motivate you, provide constructive feedback, and hold you accountable for reaching your goals, you’re far more likely to succeed.
I personally rely on training or coaching in fitness, business, music, relationships, even parenting, and these make a huge difference for me.
Many musicians have had private teachers at some point. Doesn’t it make sense for you to have a private teacher for other things you want to be good at, like making money?
I think so. That’s why I expanded my coaching programs beyond teaching music into helping musicians make a living. (Musicians worldwide already use my online training in improvisation, contemporary styles, music theory, and related subjects at Creative Strings Academy)
Since 2015 (when the original version of this post was created) I have offered coaching and courses for working musicians specifically designed to help them improve their careers and reach their business goals. I’ve helped hundreds of musicians make more money, get more of the gigs they enjoy, and increase their time for creative development and enjoying life.
Right now, you can schedule a free strategy session. I’ll help you evaluate what’s working and what’s not working, and I guarantee you’ll get a ton of value from the feedback I provide. Simply email me at or click the link below. Even if you’re skeptical about my coaching programs, I encourage you to sign up for this free strategy session, because you’ll get a ton out of it (and I may never offer it again!).
Who this is not for:
If you’re content with where you’re at, your business skills are ridiculous and your career is on fire, disregard this article (and skip to the comments below to share some of your best tips!).
If you think the world owes you something or you tell a story about how your circumstances prevent you from succeeding, this isn’t for you. We all have circumstances, and we all have struggles, but I believe that our success starts with “responsibility”, and the belief in our ability to overcome them. (Do you agree? Leave a comment below either way and tell me what you think.)
Do I offer magic? No. I’m reminded of the movie, “Kung Fu Panda”, in which Po finally learns that there is no “secret ingredient”.
I do have a lot of experience and knowledge about the music business. I’ve been fortunate to enjoy success in the music industry doing a wide variety of things.
The main things I will provide are:
- Objective feedback from a qualified source
- Accountability
- Structure
- Community support
- Concrete training with no BS
My final point to musicians, and this speaks to a classic mistake that 95% of people who practice almost any craft make, is this:
Being good at your craft is not the same thing at being good at running a business.
The majority of small businesses fail because people make the classic mistake of thinking that their craft, and the business of selling their craft, are one and the same. Running a business is a craft, and until you “practice” business, just like music, your career will always feel like something that drives you, instead of the other way around.
So if you’re sick of putting things off and you’re ready to take it to the next level, email me now at with the word “Coaching” in the subject line. I will followup immediately with you to set up the free strategy session.
(And yes, I absolutely Guarantee that if you’re willing to put in the work, I’ll help you reach your goals.)
Either way, feel free to leave a comment below with whatever is on your mind.
Here’s to creating an amazing 2020 starting now.
From a recent client:
I studied at the Menuhin Academy in Switzerland.
I have a stable job in an orchestra but I wanted to challenge myself… From watching your video on management, I got myself two concerts. I congratulate is a wonderful project…