Do you Want to Be a more versatile Musician?

I’m making myself available to meet with a handful of musicians this month who want to grow their skills, practice routine, or motivation.
If you act now, you’ll get:
A private lesson with me, Christian Howes. ($150 value.)
Streaming access to all my premium multimedia courses for 30 days.
Download eight of my books for your library and keep them forever.
invites to all upcoming guided practice sessions on Zoom and much more.
The cost to you for all of the above if you act now: $7.
Who it’s for:
- Amateur and Professional musicians with minimum of two years playing experience.
- Teachers
The Outcome For You?
- A results-driven practice that is structured, efficient, and more enjoyable.
- Skills and confidence to be a more versatile, creative, thriving musician.
- Go past playing prescribed parts- learn harmony and improvisation in eclectic styles.
- Get off the sidelines, join the jam, and let your musicianship shine.
Click the link below to get started:
Click the link below to get started:
Bonuses (Download and keep forever)

Jazz Scales
A comprehensive resource including Diminished, Bebop Major, Bebop Dominant, Melodic Minor, Altered, Blues, Pentatonic and Whole Tone scales in first position, extended range and all keys for violin, viola, and cello.
- Optimize your practice time and develop harmonic fluency.
- Learn scales commonly used in Jazz and other contemporary styles.
- Scales are written out in all twelve keys for violin, viola, and cello in extended range
Skill Level: All levels. Exercises lie within first position on the violin and viola.

Arpeggios for Jazz
A Workbook for internalizing 7th Chords in All Keys on Jazz Violin, Viola, and Cello.
- Expand your vocabulary and ultimately improvise with greater comfort and ease.
- Internalize jazz arpeggios and improve your harmonic fluency.
- Contains all commonly used seventh chords are transcribed in all inversions in all twelve keys.
Skill Level: All levels. Exercises lie within first position on the violin and viola.

Violin Harmony Handbook
Method to learn harmony applied to the violin. Triads and their invertions, chord pairs, harmonizing melodies, solo arrangement analysis, chord glossary, etc.
. Benefits:
- Learn to build chords on your instrument and navigate the fingerboard harmonically.
- This 70-page handbook packed with practical theory, practice exercises, and even solo violin transcriptions and charts.
- Includes conceptual, intuitive, and analytical tools for dealing with harmony, along with chord glossaries.
Skill Level: Intermediate and Up

Electric Violin Training Kit
A guide to Amplification and Effects for Violin, Viola and Cello.
- Get plugged in and jamming quickly.
- Learn the pros and cons of different gear options including:
- Mics, pick-ups, and solid-body instruments
- Amplifiers and PAs
- Effects rigs

Easy Tonal Improv (eBook ONLY)
A Method for Arranging, Improvising, or Composing your own Melodies and Accompaniments in Various Styles.
- Learn to create melodies, harmonies, and bass lines over popular chord progressions.
- Gain skills to arrange, compose, improvise, or make your own cover songs in many styles.
- Skill Level: All levels. Workbook is color-coded to help less experienced readers.

Chromatic Universe (eBook ONLY)
Several examples of chromatic etudes and mini-pieces with different melodic patterns and bowings.
- Open your fingers, ears, and mind with explorations in chromaticism.
- This Etude Book is available immediately for download in 3 versions- one for violin, viola, and cello.

Chord Shapes for Violin, Viola, and Cello
Including Accompaniment Examples
- Complement for Violin Harmony Handbook
- Develop practical hand shapes on the fingerboard
- A visual guide for all triads in 12 keys (major, minor, diminished, augmented)
- A visual guide for every 7th chord in the 12 keys (Maj7, Dominant, m7)

Quartal Patterns for Violin, Viola & Cello (eBooks)
Etudes involving fourths for Violin, Viola & Cello
- For intermediate-advanced
- Develop hand dexterity with fourths
- Expand your musical vocabulary with quartal sonorities
- Learn language used in modal jazz, world music and some fiddle styles.

Blues Improvisation Series
This 5 lesson video series with corresponding MP3 backing tracks & worksheets will transform you into a competent blues player.
- Gain an understanding of blues scales
- Generate rhythmic tension through the manipulation of triplets
- Create bass lines & comping patterns in 12-bar blues within various grooves
Hear what members are saying

What teachers Say About Training with me
24/7 Access to my premium materials through Creative Strings Academy Free introductory 30-minute private lesson All my eBooks to download and keep forever including: During this limited time offer, you’ll get all of the above for just $7. If you stay beyond 30 days, it’s $57/mo. You can cancel at any time
Who is this for?
Players of all levels interested in gaining or teaching improvisation, contemporary styles, rhythm/harmony, accompaniment technique, efficient practice, and related skills.
Why Should You Get RESULTS With This Training?
We will work together to solve the 3 BIGGEST problems that stop players from going beyond their original training.
PROBLEM 1: Lack of Clarity
PROBLEM 2: Lack of Framework
PROBLEM 3: Lack of Practice Strategy and Sequence
Problem 1: Lack of Clarity
First, we’re going to clarify your goals, so you go from being overwhelmed to focusing and accomplishing your goals quickly, one by one.
We’ll look at WHY you want to “get better” and WHAT that actually means to you.
When you started your playing career or hobby you probably had a vision. That vision may look different now, so it makes sense that you want new skills to match a new vision.
Have you ever asked yourself exactly:
a) what “creative” skills you’d like to develop
b) for what situations, and
c) why?
I see a lot of musicians and teachers who want to “get better” but struggle to articulate the skills/tasks they’d like to accomplish.
Together we’ll flesh out your goals in a way that makes sense for you.
The Result?
You’ll be 100% confident you’re working toward desired outcomes in your practice.
Problem 2: Lack of Framework
As musicians, it feels like there are so many things to practice, learn, or accomplish.
Luckily there is a better way…
1) We’ll use my frameworks to review your goals and skills. This will give you the perspective to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My frameworks developed over 35 years have helped teens, teachers, concertmasters, and adult learners with various interests and backgrounds.
2) Next, we’ll optimize your practice routine. One problem ‘us’ string players have is balancing practice in terms of analytical vs intuitive practice.
Another problem is recognizing the difference between what we can do NOW with the skills we already have vs what few new skills are important to develop.
We have so much ‘stuff’ to potentially work on, that it can overwhelm us to the point that we give up and say, “why bother?”
With clear frameworks, we progress by practicing only things that help us reach our goals.
How you frame your practice makes the difference between feeling shut down by all the ‘stuff’ to do vs. feeling super- excited to take the next easy step forward.
3) I’ll personally help you adapt these frameworks in a way that makes sense for you.
The Result? You’ll be equipped with clear frameworks that allow you to see what is essential to accomplishing your goals
Problem 3: Lack of Practice Strategy and Sequence
Overcoming this problem Is the Secret To Faster Growth and Confidence.
Knowing the right things to practice, and how to practice them, in the right sequence, will translate into better outcomes.
When done right, it will create a Virtuous Cycle of competence and confidence.
A funny example:
Have you ever practiced something that clearly was not the best use of your time?
Imagine spending hours practicing UPBOW STACCATO. This technique is hard to do and has limited usefulness.
Many of my adult students have similar ideas to practice “fancy scales” or “licks” or “chopping techniques”. These have limited use and often aren’t the most helpful.
Having the right things to practice can 10x your growth and confidence.
I’ll also show you how to integrate new exercises into your regularly scheduled practice, so you don’t need to make more time to gain new skills.
The Result?
Say goodbye to feeling lost. Together we’ll set great expectations for you, so you never feel ‘scattered’ in your practice. You’ll feel you are in the right place… a place that correlates with your ability, goals, and motivations.
Our only focus will be finding your fullest creative musical expression
Your Personal Help and Support Here’s how it works:
The moment you register at the link below you’ll receive an email giving you access to login to my private members’ area, download the 8 books, and access my Pillar Courses anytime.
You’ll receive a link to schedule your free private lesson with me at your convenience on my calendar for any time in the next 8 weeks.
You’ll receive my premium drip course via email.
The subscription to continue accessing my pillar courses will be active, and you can cancel it anytime.
With your subscription, you’re entitled to a Monthly Review from me on your videos. These reviews are very useful as I’ll send feedback via email or videos made just for you.
The Books
(Sold normally for over $175)
. Easy Tonal Improvisation Workbook
. Jazz Scales for VIolin, Viola, and Cello
. Jazz Arpeggios for Violin, Viola, and Cello
. The Chromatic Universe (Chromatic Etudes and Mini-Pieces)
. Chords for Violin, VIola, and Cello
. The Violin Harmony Handbook
. 4ths Etudes
. ***Searchable Directory of HUNDREDS of play-alongs by style, topic, and level with backing tracks in Mp3 and Wav.
Over the next two months, I’m going to work with a handful of players and educators to help bring them clarity and structure so they can step into more confidence, competence, creative expression, and/or productivity.
I have an “ulterior motive” for doing this.
We currently offer between 6-10 guided practice sessions every month typically. I want to grow this practice community, so we can offer even more guided practice sessions and resources to our members. Some of you may decide to join or tell people you know.
The more success stories I have, the greater the interest will be.
When Do We Start?
When you sign up now you can take advantage of the free private lesson any time.
I’m limiting the lessons I give. I want to give this to you if, and only if, it’s right for you.
What Will I Have Access To?
You’ll have immediate access to all the training modules, the 8 books for download, a link to schedule your private lesson, the premium email drip course, access to all guided practice sessions (live and via replay), and more as long as you decide to stay subscribed.
How Much?
$7 gives you everything listed above, including 30 days of access to premium courses. You can cancel anytime within 30 days or after.
If you stay past 30 days you will be auto-charged $57 monthly, and you can cancel at any time. As long as you schedule the lesson for some time in the next 8 weeks, you’re welcome to cancel your subscription immediately and still take advantage of the free private lesson ( valued at $150.) **And if you are economically disadvantaged or experiencing financial hardship, we will accomodate whatever price you can afford to pay. Simply email me at and name the price you can afford.)
You can keep the ten books (valued at over $200).
How To Register?
Use this link to register:
This is a limited-time offer, as I can only give away so many private lessons.
What Happens After You Register?
When you register, you’ll receive confirmation via email with access to everything above.
I’ll be in touch via email immediately with further details (and surprises:).
If you have ANY questions, please feel free to email me direct:
For technical support, please email
Register here:
Players of All Ages and Levels
Register here: