Here are all of the play along lessons appropriate for high school and college students, and working professionals looking to expand their skillsets. Included are Christian’s solos on the relevant backing tracks, to show what your students will be able to do if they follow through with the skills in the video!
All of the backing tracks for this series can be found here.
Check out the YouTube playlist, containing all the Done-For-You Play Along Lessons.
D Major Play-Along
A simple play-along lesson using all notes from the D Major scale.
Bluegrass Play Along
Play along with increasingly challenging ideas in the bluegrass style of fiddling.
Fiddle Tunes/Old Time Fiddle
Funk Groove Lesson
Learn how to play funky, syncopated melodies over a solid groove with Christian Howes.
More Funk!!
Happy Music/Serious Skills
Get your sense of humor on and your creativity flowing with these improv exercises.
Left Hand Yoga/The River Series
Introducing a brand-new approach to left hand shapes and harmony. Play along and see what it’s all about!
Pop/R&B Waltz Series
Play melodies along with a beautiful chord progression in waltz time (3/4).
Learn to play with a lyrical triplet groove in the doo-wop/soul style. Special focus on bowing patterns.
Fast Blues/Rock and Roll Play-Along
Let’s Rock! This play along will help to expand melodic and rhythmic ideas over a blues progression with a rock and roll feel.
Feel-Good Pop
This relaxed progression is perfect to learn the basics of improvisation and melody.
Slow R&B/Composition Exercises
Warm up and do some spontaneous composition exercises over a slow R&B groove.
Spontaneous ideas meet composition and arranging in this new approach to improvisation. Special focus on rhythm and its role/usage in creative playing.
Southern Soul/Feel Good Pop
Learn to build a basic pop/soul groove and play melodies overtop with Christian Howes!
Bossa Nova
Get an introduction to this beautiful music from Brazil, and how to approach it on a bowed string instrument.
Jazz and Blues