
ready to go past playing prescribed parts?

If I Could Go Back & Redesign My Practice

This is what I’d do if I had to go back and design my practice routine for the first time when I shifted from practicing classical music to improvising and playing other styles.

  • Stop doing classical scales/etudes and replace them with 15-30 mins of improvised scale exercises and etudes 
  • Do 15-30 minutes of improvisation over “elemental musical forms” (instead of trying to play over songs, progressions, or grooves I wasn’t ready for)
  • Devote 15-30 minutes to internalizing a small amount of harmonic or rhythmic material. 

Watch Here:

When we begin our practice with traditional scales/etudes (or playing memorized melodies and repertoire) for an hour or two, it leaves  Zero energy to practice anything else, including improvisation, harmony, or learning songs as a more functional musician learns them (inside and out).
No wonder I felt stuck for a long time when I was doing it that way.
Incorporating improvisation into your practice- and separating harmonic or rhythmic exercises – will more than cover your technical goals if you are intentional about it.
It will accelerate your growth for at least two reasons:
1. Accomplish more in less time.
2. Develop in difficult areas rather than repeating things you’re already good at.
If you’d like to experience more positive, productive practice, you can practice with me live on Zoom weekly this summer.

Use it as a “forcing function” to force you to practice.

Block 90 minutes on your weekly calendar, show up, and get all your practice in.

Over seven weeks, I’ll take you through my entire method to help you become a more functional musician,

so you can improvise, accompany, arrange, and make your own parts to fit in with any band, situation, and style

or make music with loop pedalssplit screen videos, join a worship band,  folk jam, teach your students stuff they want, shred over rock grooves, etc.

The class will help you enjoy practicing.

It will also help you practice more efficiently, so you spend less time and get more benefits.

The class happens twice per year, in the summer and winter.

Our next cycle starts July 20th and we have an early registration to save $75.

Early registration ends June 23.

learn more and save your spot here.

Want to sample my premium courses and have the option to take a 1-1 coaching? 

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