
Exploring the intersections between creativity, music education, string playing, DIY music business, and culture.

Join host Christian Howes as he talks with a diverse series of guest performers, entrepreneurs, and educators about all things Creative Strings.


Creative Strings Podcast Christian Howes presents the Creative Strings Podcast: Exploring intersections between creativity, music education, string playing, DIY music business, and culture. Check out the latest episode: Thanks so much to our sponsors Yamaha and Electric Violin Shop for supporting the Creative Strings Podcast. Their support makes it possible to invest in the production of each episode.

Please take a moment to visit Electric Violin Shop, your one-stop shop for electric instruments, amps, gear, accessories, and most of all, expertise. Use code CHOWES at checkout and take 5% off of your order. Call 866-900-8400 to get your questions answered on “all things electric strings.” While you are talking to EVS, be sure to ask them about the new Yamaha Electric Violin (you can check out my video review here). I’ve been a Yamaha performing artist for almost 20 years now and am very proud to be a part of the Yamaha family.