
bring Eclectic Styles and Improvisation to your classroom

Bring one of the world’s leading string pedagogues to share eclectic styles and improvisation with your orchestra via Play-Along classes, teacher training,  and/or collaborative concerts.

“Howes experience proves that the collaboration of music educator and professional performer can create magic for students.”
– National Association for Music Education Magazine Feature

Balancing Educational Substance and Inspiration

    • Cutting edge classroom teaching sessions. Students play and learn the entire time, 1- 4 hours per day. (Customized to your goals and expectations.)


    • If you wish, add a culminating concert. Students  perform  with a world class performing artist


    • Enjoy increased community support and recognition for your program
    • A guest artist with a heart  for service with a “leave my ego at the door” approach


    • Save costs/hassles of trips. (Want to travel?  Book a trip with us in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC.)

Hear what Teachers are saying

For Teachers Who Want to Foster:

  • A jamming culture


  • Inclusion of diverse musical & learning styles


  • Lifelong learning


  • Standards in improvisation, arranging, and composition; The empowerment of playing beyond the page

How It Works

During 1-3 days, Christian  trains students and teachers in:

  1. Improvisation, composition, and arranging.
  2. Harmony, rhythm, and applied theory
  3. Contemporary styles
  4. Amplificationeffects, and loops

👉 Clinics Guide and Description  DOWNLOAD HERE

If you wish to do so, you can add a culminating concert (see example video below)

👉 For Sample Repertoire and Concert Structure, learn more here.

Hear what Teachers & Students are saying

different from other Programs

  • Eclectic – Instead of one genre, we teach skills which apply across a broad range of styles.


  • Substantive Pedagogy – Instead of using classroom time for rehearsal,  students play the whole time using curriculum and sequential teaching based on real scaffolding. (See videospodcasts, and articles.)
  • Affordable & Flexible  Gain an experience at a fraction of the cost or hassle of a trip. Choose from flexible options.


  • Spotlight on Students – It’s not all about the guest artist. We focus on serving students:

    – Repertoire features students and is easy to rehearse ahead of time.
    – Informance portions of concert feature students demonstrating skills.
    – Classroom learning (instruments in hand).

Schedule Your Custom Program Today

Ready to bring exciting new worlds of musicianship to your orchestra? Contact Christian today to start planning your event!

Christian Howes

Violinist Christian Howes

A former Associate Professor at Berklee College of Music, Christian is widely established as one of the world’s most respected improvising violinists and string pedagogues. A Suzuki-trained, accomplished classical violinist, he brings a unique perspective, informing a well-formed and articulated methodology, to help students and teachers broaden knowledge and skills.

Meet the Standards with training

“…  which aligns with Standards for the Arts for creating musical works through student generated improvisation (NYS Standards 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 8.1). Access to a world class jazz violinist and educator provides a broader societal and cultural context of the role of string instruments in contemporary music (7.2).”

Clinics Guide and Description  DOWNLOAD HERE

teach your students improvisation with a violin school residency

You don't have time for prima donnas!

Hire a guest artist with a heart for service, and create a transformative experience for students.

  • Substantive pedagogy; Inspiring artistry
  • So teachers, admin, parents, and students all win
  • Easy to work with.
  • Available to assist with every step to help you host a smooth, successful event.

How can I explore bringing this to my school?

Email or call Christian Howes at chris@christianhowes.com or 614-332-8689

First, we’ll find a time for Christian to come into your school. Once a date is chosen, we’ll work closely with you to promote, schedule, and program. There will be a mutually agreed itinerary to serve the needs of your district, whether it includes teacher training, k-12 student workshops, assemblies, concerts, and/or media appearances.

If you wish, this can culminate in a final performance highlighting the students. The event can also be an opportunity to fundraise and promote your program.

Share the overview PDF with your colleagues/admin, or request sample curriculum by emailing chris@christianhowes.com

Want help?

Email chris@christianhowes or text 614-332-8689

Creative Strings is a non-profit organization with a mission to support music education through outreach,  PD conferences, and online curriculum.

Schedule Your Custom Program Today